Why Consultations are key to great hair

  • Reflections Hair

Consultations are a vital part of your hairdressing service. Without them, how will we truly know what you are after? A consultation should be the perfect symphony between Stylists and their Clients - this is where the magic begins!

So, how can you, as a client, get the best out of your consultation and provide your hairdresser with all the insight they need?

  1. We offer free consultation and we’re there to provide a service to YOU - so let us get to know you, your personality and your preferences.
  2. Bring in photos or pictures from a magazine - they really help us to understand what you’re after - we love an image! Try to ensure the person in the photo has a similar hair texture, colour and thickness to you and you are realistic with your requests. Its good to remember that photos are edited, filtered and lit in different ways - but we can definitely use them as inspiration.
  3. If the look is unachievable, your Stylist can suggest alternatives that would really suit you - trust our professional judgement - sometimes it’s a journey we can go on together to get you to where you want to be and isnt achievable in one session.
  4. Be aware of the limitations of your hair. We all know the dream hair we’d like to have…we’d also like to look like Margot Robbie!…but if you have fine hair, unfortunately we cannot cut your hair to look thick. Embrace your hair the way it is and learn to make the most of it, from us - we’re here to help. Good hair is not given, it is made possible by a great Stylist who works with what you have and will advise products to help minimise your hair challenges.
  5. We talk products and treatments because we truly believe in them - we use them to make your hair look its best, so it makes sense that you would benefit from using them too. By using good quality products, it makes our job easier and the finished result look even better. Treatments are a must after any colouring service - it puts the nutrients back in your hair and holds your colour longer.
  6. If you need a quote, just ask. Prices vary greatly in our industry and each salon has their reasoning for what they charge. We would much rather quote the price before hand than have you feel uncomfortable the whole service. We pride ourselves on offering a premium service at a very reasonable price. We use Wella Professional colours which speak for themselves where quality is concerned.
  7. Our experienced staff have ongoing training at the (Ofsted rated “Outstanding”) Reflections Training Academies so our Stylists and Technicians’ skills are always bang up to date - something that not every salon group, independent salon or mobile hairdresser has access to. This means we wouldn’t do anything that doesn’t suit you, even if its the latest trend and if we believe its not suitable, we will steer you in another direction - you’ll leave looking great and feeling empowered!

So there you have it. The hairdresser/client experience, like all good relationships, is based on truth, honesty and communication, from both sides - here’s to a long and happy relationship!

Why Consultations are key to great hair
